JustinGuitar by Justin Sandercoe
Guitar Radio Show
Materialism causes Depression! Affluenza is bad for you. The guitar magazines are very demoralizing and depressing because they constantly feature and praise extremely overpriced expensive gear that very few people can afford. Even if you were rich, paying thousands for gear is hard to justify. Guitar magazines exist in an "unreal" world where $2,000 gear is sold as "entry level" and guitars around $1,000 are "bargains." Materialism leads to anger and makes people feel like "losers", insecure, inadequate, self-hating, and damages self-esteem. Turn your back on materialism and realize that you can buy high quality gear avoiding the "name" brands and buying off-brands. Cancel your subscriptions to guitar magazines and let them know that you are sick of them catering to yuppie collectors who buy overpriced gear as hip wall decorations. Buy only USED equipment and let someone else take the "hit" of initial depeciation - besides, 2nd hand speakers sound better than new ones because they've already been broken in. Let the magazines sell their "bigger and more expensive is better" philosophy to a shrinking readership. You can buy an imported Yamaha or Korean made guitar, swap out the pickups with USA made Seymour Duncans, and have a great sounding guitar. Ibanez guitars are actually the most playable import guitars with the "fastest" fretboards, best tremolos, quality construction, and quality hardware. You can buy high quality custom made in the USA gear by G&L. Fender/Gibson/Rickebacker/Marshall are targeting the boutique markets with outrageous prices, so screw them.
Guitars: Musical Merchandise?
Why Is Everyone So Cranky? by C. Leslie Charles
Positional good definition on wikipedia
Why Is Everyone So Short-Tempered? by Karen S. Peterson
Museum of Making Music
5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 438-5996
NAMM's museum of musical instruments.
Ernesto Bueno at Guitar Center Brea
Ernie is the in-house guitar technician, former employee of Fender instruments. Take your Fender guitars there for tech support. Ernesto Bueno at Guitar Center Brea
The primary source of employment for musicians nationwide, established 31 years. Jobs and resumes are updated online daily.
REPAIRS: Keyboards, PA, Recording
- David Segimoto, 1270 Lincoln Ave #1000, Pasadena, CA 91103 (626)794-0052, he can fix anything Japanese and electronic
- GPS Electronics, George Tomasich, 16549 Leffingwell Rd, Whittier, CA 90603, (562)902-0579, pro-audio repair and service, factory authorized service center for most major brands such as SWR and Groove Tubes
Music Pad Pro, tablet-shaped PC with a fast screen. You can download and display music on it, you can even turn pages with a footswitch. It's got a touchscreen and a storage capacity of 10,000 pages of music.
Orange County Guitar Circle
founded in 1967 to celebrate and promote the music of the Spanish classical guitar in Orange County, California, and surrounding communities. They hold 9 recitals a year at Chapman University in Orange, on the third Saturday of each month (except December) between September and June.
Intelligent Devices, Inc. - I.Q. Intelligent Equalizer
I.Q. learns the sonic spectrum of a take, track or song mono or stereo then constructs a complex filter that matches the spectrum of the new material to that of the original reference material.
Antares Auto-Tune
Most of the pop stars that get on MTV, MTV's TRL, and all the media attention are no-talent acts hired for their looks and dancing ability, not musical talent. So when these "acts" are not lip syncing and have to do a live show, they use this device. The Antares Auto-Tune does realtime auto pitch correction to make sure that whatever comes out of the mouths of the phoney pop stars into the microphones comes out in tune. It's impossible for even the best talented singers to breathe, dance widly, gyrate on stage, and sing on key. The MTV eye candy pop stars simply would not have careers at all if it was not for this machine.
Melodyne Auto-Tune
Most of the pop stars that get on MTV, MTV's TRL, and all the media attention are no-talent acts hired for their looks and dancing ability, not musical talent. So when these "acts" are not lip syncing and have to do a live show, they use this device. The Melodyne Auto-Tune does realtime auto pitch correction to make sure that whatever comes out of the mouths of the phoney pop stars into the microphones comes out in tune. It's impossible for even the best talented singers to breathe, dance widly, gyrate on stage, and sing on key. The MTV eye candy pop stars simply would not have careers at all if it was not for this machine.
SynchroArts VocALign Project & TITAN
Most of the pop stars that get on MTV, MTV's TRL, and all the media attention are no-talent acts hired for their looks and dancing ability, not musical talent. So when these "acts" are not lip syncing and have to do a live show, they use this device. VocALign Project is an editing tool which will automatically synchronise two audio signals at the touch of a button. VocALign massively speeds up audio synchronisation tasks and increases the quality of results. It's impossible for even the best talented singers to breathe, dance widly, gyrate on stage, and sing on key. The MTV eye candy pop stars simply would not have careers at all if it was not for these programs.
GUITAR: Smartwood
GUITAR: Pickup Rewinding Services
- John Suhr, former Fender Custom Shop Master Builder, has his own custom pickup rewinding service. Authentic Pickup rewinding, Hot Rods, RWRP, hum canceling, hand wound and vacuum potted to exact vintage specs of any year or hotter if you'd like. "You haven't heard a good single coil until you've heard a hand wound single coil." Fender coils are preferable, humbuckers also. $20 plus shipping per coil. Leave message for John at (909)471-2334 if you are interested
The late Sam Hutton, former Fender Custom Shop amp designer, started his own business of custom amplifier covering. His son Don now continues his late father's work. Call him at (714)529-7531 and mention John Suhr (pronounced SIR) and me Andrew sent ya.
GUITAR AMP: Repair Shop
Billy Zoom Music, 760 N Main St # L, Orange, CA 92868 (714)639-2200, Sonic Zoom,
ARS Electronics, 7110 DeCelis Place, POB 7323, Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818)997-6279
- 10. Used gear has more character
- 9. Groupies like used gear better
- 8. Gear used for pictures = famous gear!
- 7. You won't get stressed out when you lend your gear to friends
- 6. Used gear has a story to tell
- 5. Customer tested!
- 4. Use the money you save to buy more used gear!
- 3. Used gear isn't like life - you always know you what you're going to get
- 2. If you don't like it, you can auction it off online
- and the number one reason that used gear is better than new gear...
- 1. Three words: price price price!
Royer Labs Microphones
David Royer teamed up with Rick Perrotta, former President and co-founder of the prestigious Matchless Guitar Amplifier Company, and together with studio owner Rafael Villafane and musician/marketing director John Jennings, formed Royer Labs, a California based company dedicated to the development and production of high quality microphones and transducer elements
percussion & woodwind maker, Guillermo Martinez (714)631-7851. He even has his own CD of native American music available

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