This webpage is dedicated to the former American Apparel model and British actress Thida Sheldon. She may have changed her name to Phoenix Ayanami. Someday she will be a famous British actress.
Thida Sheldon was the former owner of Boxbagz, KissCreativeMedia, and CreateMeWorkshop based the UK and occasionally works as an actress.
The ads that featured her list her name as Thida Schwartz. Dov Charney, owner of Los Angeles Apparel and former senior partner of the clothing label American Apparel, said "... she's my empress. She's everything: She's half Jewish, half Chinese, but grew up in England and was born in Bangkok. She's the new class internacional! A transnational hipster. You know what I'm saying? It's not about the U.S.A. It's not about American black or white, American black-slash-white-that's Abercrombie & Fitch." Thida and Dov are in a short film by Jonny Tanna titled "When Thida Met Dov".
On one of her advertisements, Naturopathy Clinic Share Offered-1/13/14, she wrote "I am a naturopathic nutritionist and I practice iridology and meridian psychotherapy."
I will add more links as I find them. There seem to be many webpages, but most have not been updated in years. Thida Nathalie Sheldon, under the name Nathalie, was selling furniture items from businesses she has started and closed. Maybe her websites do not work because they have closed.
Thida is a stunningly beautiful woman, but hasn't appeared in American Apparel ads since 2003.
Thida has inexplicably not made any updates to her websites since her last entry on her twitter account on July 31, 2016.
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Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the advertisements a the top and bottom of this webpage.